At first, you must find a way to invade the White Mantle castle, which will be heavily fortified. Once you’re inside, things won’t get easier—you’ll face more difficult obstacles as you try to find the White Mantle’s power source. However, if you do manage to succeed, the outcome will be worth it. Rewards of victory include an ascended backpack, ascended White Mantle weapons, and more.

The previous two raids, “Spirit Vale” and “Salvation Pass,” led players through a story involving strange magic and unnaturally powerful monsters. “Spirit Vale” began the first raid with the enhanced squad feature as players searched for missing allies in mysterious forest, Forsaken Thicket. “Salvation Pass” took players deeper into the forest. And now “Stronghold of the Faithful” will conclude the journey.

“Stronghold of the Faithful" was released on June 14.