Similar to Marvel’s Avengers – another Square Enix title – the Guardians take on a different look from their cinematic counterparts. However, this is a surprisingly good-looking adaptation, with both Groot, Rocket, and Star Lord realized in in great detail. However, visual design is the only similarity between this and Marvel’s Avengers, as Guardians of the Galaxy is an entirely single-player experience.
You’ll be able to command your team (Groot, Rocket, Drax, and Gamora), as you get yourself in a collection of explosive and exceedingly dangerous situations – and all with a bit of rock’n’roll flare too. With dialogue options, you will form and strengthen bonds with your rag-tag space family, as well.
Eidos-Montreal, who provided additional work on Marvel’s Avengers and published Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has partnered with Marvel Entertainment to draw inspiration from the Guardians’ expansive lore. While this story is original, it will also treat players to a bunch of recognizable characters. And just as was the case with the ever-popular Guardians of the Galaxy films, the game will come with a stacked playlist of classic 80s rock, from Iron Maiden to KISS.
Stay tuned for more on Guardians of the Galaxy as we learn it.