Year one players are scrambling to complete all hard raids, find chest locations, win crucible matches, finish all storylines, and defeat Skolas. The good news is, Bungie announced that there’s a bit more time. The new deadline is September 14, 11:59 PM, PDT. Bungie also advises that players don’t delete any characters that might be tied to the triumphs checklist. Better play it safe and wait until they have received the emblem. 

For those who have completed the Moments, players will get the emblem on the release date of The Taken King, September 15.

For those still struggling to meet the deadline, is a great resource to quickly land a team for any endeavor.

Players can check their progress through the Destiny Companion app or the Destiny Companion site.

After the deadline for year one Moments of Triumph, the opportunity for the emblem ends completely. However, year two players will have a new emblem to grind for. 

Lastly, a few other things to complete before The Taken King:

Finish those bounties! All bounties from year one will auto-delete upon year two. Don’t fret the Thorn bounty, hunters. All exotic bounties will auto-complete and players will receive the blueprint for the weapon (which can then get you that weapon) Grind those materials! All spinmetal, spirit bloom, etc. will trade for armor materials needed for upgrades.

How far along are you to getting your Moments of Triumph?