Sweeping cinematic angles and shots, voice acting, atmospheric music, and a fairly engrossing narrative, the Los Demonios recruitment ad definitely wins the trophy for best crew video.

The ad interweaves rivalries with other gangs and drama within the crew, but still gives a sense of camaraderie and loyalty that feels like Sons of Anarchy meets Hells Angels.

Although some people may see all of this unnecessary fictional drama as a bit over the top, you can’t help but respect what the crew is doing and how seriously they are taking the whole thing.

They even have their own website that outlines everything about the crew from their hierarchy, history, and even the rules for being in the gang. It’s actually quite impressive.

I love this kind of thing, but what do you think? Is this too over the top and just plain silly, or does it really add that extra bit of fun to the experience? Let us know in the comments below!