The closed beta will show off a rotation of cars and tracks that players can pick from. And they will be swapped out daily – so you’ll need to check in often to test everything you can.

The closed beta will also show off the new “Driver Profile” matchmaking system. This system has two parts:

Sportsmanship Rating: Tracks how well-behaved players are on track. Driver Rating: This tracks your lap times, and where you finish.

While the beta is limited to US PSN IDs to start, it will come to Europe later. In an official statement, Polyphony said this delay is due to the time difference:

This is “Phase 2” of the closed beta testing, and there will be future tests. If you sign up now, you may not get entry for this iteration of the beta – but you should be able to get into a future phase of testing.

The servers for the closed beta will only be open at specific times of day, but these times have yet to be confirmed. Stay tuned for more updates as we learn more!