Welcome to the third episode of the Gameskinny Round Table Podcast. Our podcast this week consisted of Jamie, Aneudys aka Nunu, Lui, Mike, John, Stephanie, Jay, and Rob.

This week we decided to talk about some current news:

Ellen Page’s claim that The Last of Us stole her likeness Deadpool Saints Row being banned in Australia (of particular concern to our resident Aussie, Mike) Pokemon

We had a little bit of  a rough start to this week’s podcast. Continuing with last week, Stephanie was our awesome host, and she did a hell of a job keeping us on track per usual. Our introductions were a little more humorous than they were professional, but hopefully you can come to love us in all our quirkiness. We are just a bunch of hard working interns, and our lack of sleep messes with our heads sometimes.

In all seriousness, we appreaciate everyone who tuned in this week. This really is a learning experience for us, and we know that in time we will grow into a well-oiled machine. 

To listen to our podcast, download it here on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gameskinnys-podcast/id662021739?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4%EF%BB%BF

Once again, thanks for tuning in and look out for news of our next podcast!