Grow Recovery is one of the more simple Grow games from developer EYEMAZE. There are only six items to choose from and your goal is simply to get your character back to full health. Sounds easy and it is simple, but it’s a formidable brain teaser for some. You an get a feel for the right order by guessing a few tries, but figuring it out exactly can take some serious thought.

This guide is going to tell you the order to use each of the game’s items to heal him up. And just like within recovering from an illness in real life it’s a step by step process – though it’s a stretch to say this game is a realistic recovery experience!

The order you use here will be laid out as in my Grow Cube and Grow Jungle guides with short descriptions of what happens each turn and a link to an image of what happens that step for your own reference. This guide works on both the mobile and browser flash-based versions of Grow Recovery.

Don’t click on the image links if you don’t want to have each step’s results spoiled for you. The image links are for reference and for you to check that you’re progressing properly in case you’re not confident.

Item 1. Leaf

The leaf you put down will slowly turn into more potent types of medicine. Here on turn one it doesn’t do much and your character’s health goes up by one point. Here’s what this turn looks like.

Item 2. Blanket

You’ve got to get some rest when you’re sick, right? Same here. The leaf morphs into a more effective medicine and the blue man wraps himself in the blanket you’ve given him this turn. Here’s what this turn should look like.

Item 3. Fire

The fire has an extra use later but this turn the heat is enough to help the man recover slightly. He lays down this turn to try to feel better. Here’s an image of this turn if you want to check.

Item 4. Woman

Your character’s blanket turns into a Japanese-style futon for him to sleep in this turn and the medicine gets stronger yet again. The woman doesn’t do much just yet, but will soon enough. Here’s what should be going on this turn.

Item 5. Ice

A child appears with the woman you placed down last turn and both give one point of recovery this turn. The fire also levels up into a campfire and the medicine takes a turn for the extremely potent. Your healing efforts are about to wrap themselves up! Here’s an image of what this step looks like.

Item 6. Vegetables

This is the most active turn of them all but I don’t want to spoil the man’s recovery for you since it’s fun to watch unravel. That said if you do want to spoil it for yourself, here’s an image of the final result.

This is one of the more simple Grow games from the developer but is certainly one of the more charming, though it’s pretty easy to put yourself in the shoes of the sickly man you have to help. No one likes to be sick, no sir.

If you’re enjoying one of the other games from EYEMAZE and need help figuring out the solutions check out my guides on the following Grow games:

Grow Cube solution walkthrough  Grow Jungle solution walkthrough Grow Park solution and all characters walkthrough