I got to play a demo of the game last week and I am pleased to say that Tropical Freeze will bring the same awesome gameplay that Returns did with an extra bit of flair.

If you have been following the game at all, you’ll know that the enemies in this game are arctic theme and are trying to freeze Donkey Kong’s jungles. The enemy designs in this game are amazingly cute. My favorite was the boss you can fight in the demo: a seal with a viking helmet. Too adorable.

I got to play a mine cart level and a barrel level. Both were well designed and seemed like they were solidly designed. The mine cart level wasn’t as difficult as some of them have been in the past, but the barrel level was a bit harder. Both of them were fun.

What excites me the most about Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is that players can choose which character they want to be. So far, it’s Donkey Kong, Diddy, and Dixie. However, a fourth playable character will later be announced: I am hoping it’s Funky Kong.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze will be coming out this year in November for the Nintendo Wii U. That means I have a few months left to get one in my house. This game combined with the new Sonic, Mario Kart, and Mario Land have me more than sold on the console.