In a profound Facebook post, Mark Strand composes that despite the fact that he’s enraged with the individual who supposedly took his granddaughter’s life, he’s additionally dedicated to excusing him. “… I need 5 minutes alone in a cell with the psycho that removed our Athena from us, however there’s a delicate voice toward the rear of my head letting me know I really want to pardon him,” he composes. Strand proceeds to interface this voice in his mind to that of God, stating, “Disdain is a strong power that will flourish in your spirit.

God needs to safeguard all of us from that disdain. Disdain is the door for the Detestable we see filling in this present reality.”

The granddad’s post, which presently has in excess of 5,000 remarks and 25,000 offers, seems to have hit home in perusers.

This comes after Athena Strand vanished last Wednesday, Nov. 30, from outside her home following a contention with her stepmother.

The lady announced Athena missing that midday subsequent to finding she was not in that frame of mind, as per ABC member WFAA and NBC partner KXAS-television.

The stepmom reached specialists in the wake of looking for Athena for around 60 minutes. The two had supposedly had “a smidgen of a contention” presently before Athena disappeared, Shrewd Region Sheriff Path Associated expressed, as per KXAS. The conflict, he added, wasn’t “anything uncommon.”

“Then, at that point, stepmom went to fix supper, returned to get Athena, and Athena wasn’t in her room,” Associated proceeded.

After two days, Strand was tracked down dead along the Trinity Waterway, around seven miles from her home, Insightful Province Sheriff Path Associated told columnists.

A FedEx driver was in this manner charged after supposedly hijacking Strand from the carport and killing her, specialists said.

Associated has not uncovered the kid’s reason for death, but rather said she likely died inside the primary hour of her vanishing, KFOR reports.

He likewise told the Star-Message that he accepted it was a wrongdoing of chance and that Athena was not hit by the Fed Ex truck.

A tip purportedly assisted specialists with zeroing in on Leather treater Lynn Horner, 31, an agreement driver for Took care of Ex who was conveying bundles in the young lady’s area.

Police charge Horner admitted to the killing, different outlets report, and furthermore purportedly let police know where to track down Athena’s body.

Athena Strand’s mom, Maitlyn Gandy, has been posting on Facebook about her misfortune — and the inheritance Athena abandons.

— Sister Mary Joseph (@sscjusa) December 6, 2022

“I don’t need the jerk that took my child from me and fiercely killed her to go to any city, town, province, state, or country without everyone knowing her face,” Gandy composes.

“She no longer has a voice except for I will be the best voice I can as a mother for herself and I won’t stop.”

Horner, a dad who portrays himself as a “non-neurotypical performer” and “metalhead” on his Facebook page, has been accused of capital homicide and disturbed capturing for Athena’s situation.

He is currently being held in the Savvy Area Prison on $1.5 million security. It is indistinct in the event that Horner has entered a request or held a legal counselor to remark for his sake.

Individuals connected with the Savvy Province Sheriff’s office and has not yet heard back. Since Horner’s capture, something like one lady has approached emphasizing charges she recently made that Horner physically attacked her when she was a minor. (These cases have not been validated by Individuals.)

Shay Marie depicted the supposed attack on her Facebook page in 2019, naming Leather expert Horner as the individual who purportedly assaulted her at age 16, when Horner was 23.

“December sixth and seventh marks a long time since you disregarded me and dealt with me like you were qualified for my body. 7 years.

I was a kid in a weak state and that’s what you exploited,” Marie composed last December. It’s muddled whether a report was recorded or on the other hand in the event that Horner was at any point charged in the supposed episode. Individuals connected with Shay Marie for input and didn’t promptly hear back.