A companion of the kid has likewise been captured.


As per police reports, the young lady plotted the homicide of her brother with the assistance of her sweetheart and his accessory as he protested their relationship and had taken steps to tell the guardians.

The blamed young lady, a Class 5 drop, had left studies around a long time back and had a 17-year-former beau, who is concentrating on in Class 9. The killed kid recognized as Anurag Yadav, 12, was likewise a Class 5 understudy, said the police.

Director of Police (Trans-Yamuna) Saurabh Dixit said, “The police have captured the three adolescents including the young lady, her sweetheart and his accessory on the charges of choking the kid to death.”

“The dad of the departed condemned him for eating non-vegan food during the continuous Pitra Paksha and the blamed sister took the kid to a kutcha house on the guise of saving him from their dad’s wrath. Her sweetheart and his accessory were at that point holding up there. Every one of them strangulated the kid and escaped,” he said.

At the point when their dad found both the kin missing, he and his significant other began searching for them. They recognized the child lying oblivious on the floor of the kutcha house and the young lady sitting in a side of the house. They surged the kid to the emergency clinic where specialists articulated him dead.

At the point when the family and police scrutinized the young lady, she said that two adolescents had whipped the kid and escaped.

Later during supported cross examination, she admitted to the wrongdoing.

A FIR under fitting areas has been enlisted and each of the three have been shipped off adolescent home.