At Level 90 Refinement Rank 5 (R5), it has a Base ATK of 510 and 45.9% Energy Recharge. Its passive is called Shanty and it increases the wielder’s elemental burst damage by 32% and elemental burst CRIT rate by 12%. It provides a lot of valuable stats in a single package – namely, a good amount of ER that helps charge your character’s burst, damage bonus, and CRIT. Damage bonus and CRIT are excellent stats because these are less saturated than stats like ATK. So any character that wants Energy Recharge and deals most of their damage through their burst can use The Catch. Here’s a list of its synergies with all current playable polearm users.

Great means that The Catch is one of the character’s best weapon options. Good means that The Catch works on the character, but it’s outperformed by other polearms – usually craftable, free, or gacha weapons. Not recommended means that the character simply has significantly better weapon options that fit their kit more than The Catch.