Available Roles:

Esports / MOBA Writer

MMO Writer

Playstation Writer

Xbox Writer

Reviews Writer

GameSkinny is where aspiring journalists and game reviewers go to write, supported by a core team of staff editors and writers. The current openings we have are for ambitious and capable writers who understand how to bring an audience through knowledgeable application of content strategy, content marketing, and self promotion.

While there is room for your to get up to speed with our editorial environment, these roles are not for beginners. GameSkinny has lots of exciting opportunities for aspiring writers, but this isn’t one of them. These positions are considered part of the editorial staff, and are tasked with meeting goals that ultimately make GameSkinny a great place for everyone to write.

Successful GameSkinny Columnists meet the following three goals:

Bring in new audience members Build a following in your area of focus Create consistent content that is of interest to your readers


You need the following in order to tackle one of these roles, rather than being tackled by it.

Create 4-6 articles per workday Meet aggressive goals as set by EIC Strong, self motivated writer Access to internet and necessary gaming components Responsive to email, chat, and phone calls Expertise in your area of coverage Demonstrated ability to grow readership

Bonus Points

These extras will sway us in your favor big time. If you have one or more of these, by all means mention it. 

Location near a major metro area, especially one with game studios or gaming events. A desire to interact with our GameSkinny community members and help mentor new writers. Proper Oxford comma usage.


Compensation will be on a by-day rate. Contracts will be reviewed and evaluated on a monthly basis. We’ll discuss specific details regarding rates, goals and reviews during the interview process.

To Apply

Email your resume and the most compelling writing sample you can devise (max 500 words) using a subject line we simply can’t ignore to: [email protected]

Include the specific Columnist role you are applying for. If you have expertise in more than one area, please indicate your preferences but feel free to select more than one role for consideration.